Yes, I'm still alive! I have several reasons that I haven't been blogging, first of which is that I hadn't realized how little free time I would have for blogging once school started back up. I also very much am in need of a new computer, so it's hard to make myself type on something that frustrates me. Last of all, the last few months have been less than easy, and I didn't create this blog to be one of those girls who just constantly vents for the sake of commiserating in misery. However, despite the fact that craziness ensues, I also have had a lot of joys in the last few months. My Brennon started preschool, and every single day I amazed at how much he has learned.
I have always known that he was a smartie, but he is so inquisitive that I love our conversations about everything from the north star to title pages. I LOVED the first time that I had to sit in the pick-up line at school waiting for my boy to come out. I felt like I was growing up myself. I also have to note that I don't know if I have ever smiled as much as I did watching Brennon at school when I got to observe and help out on party day. It was so much fun!
We have also had some great family time, whether as far away as Branson and "Silba Dolla City" or just in our own area with day trips.
We went to Silver Dollar City with Gramma, Auntie Shannie, Uncle Kyle, and cousin Zoe. The boys LOVED it! Of course, now with the Christmas commercials starting, they keep saying that we need to go back. This was our first time to take our kiddos, and let me just say that I cannot believe how often I went there as a kid. It is so much harder when you have kids of your own! I loved it, and we will be going much more often as the kids get older, but I was E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D! Actually, I can't even think of the right word for it, because exhausted doesn't even begin to cover it.
To get out and about on the weekend, we spent one Saturday not too far from home, going to see Big Brutus. Let me tell you, I have never felt so much like a mother of boys as on this day. Big Brutus is basically a giant electric shovel out in the middle of nowhere that was left where it was used after they stopped using it in the 70s. It was definitely cool, because it was gigantic, but you would have thought that we took the boys to the Taj Mahal the way that they were oohing and aahing at the thing. In true form, I did end up with a giant bruise on my leg from crawling through one of the openings several stories up. Who would expect any less?
We also took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch, which gets more and more fun every year. That isn't because they add things like the giant corn bin for the boys to play in or that they were finally interested in doing the corn maze, but because of the pure joy and excitement that seems to grow every year. Every year, I think that the boys could not have more fun at the pumpkin patch than they did the year before, but somehow they do. We really had to work hard to pick up pumpkin this year, because it was the first time that everyone had an opinion.....I don't know if I'm ready for that stage yet!
Our last major event of the last few months was, of course, Halloween. Brennon and Gavin were Captain Hook and Mr. Smee, and I must say that they were quite cute in their costumes! I slaved away with my novice sewing skills to make Brennon's costume, but was able to throw Gavin's costume together pretty easily. It may be due to my sewing, or maybe just because Gavin was so stinkin' cute in that Smee costume, but he was the one that ended up winning 3rd prize in our local downtown costume contest! He won an art set, which he willingly shares with Brennon, since Brennon said, "Gavin couldn't have really won without me, since we are a pair". They are so funny! We had a lot of fun trick-or-treating and going to Neewollah. We got way too much candy, and we are finally getting over the fact that Halloween won't come again for a whole "nother" year.
My cute little pirate crew!
Mommy and her boys!
I love this picture of Poppo and the boys at Neewollah
Despite all these fun places and events, one of the best things of the past few months has been becoming a "soccer mom". Soccer at age 4 is many things, but a true version of the sport, it is not. It was so funny to see the kids act like magnets to that ball. Brennon finally scored a goal on our last game of the season, and he did awesome! He also created a new running style just for games called "the helicopter". It's hilarious to watch, as he runs down the field swinging his arm in circular motions. Well, I was always told I had a great imagination, so I guess he comes by it naturally.
That should about catch me up. I apologize for the novel here, but now that I'm caught up, I can do better about blogging on a much more regular basis. I feel like sometimes I have so much to write about that I can't decide what to say, then I just end up not writing at all. Well, my Thanksgiving resolution is to be a better blogger. I know that's not a real thing, but it is for me. Well, now it is, anyway. You'll see. You can be thankful for my awesome words gracing your screen more often, or that maybe you'll see I'm just as scattered as anyone else, but I'm doing the best I can to be a mom. Sometimes I feel victorious, sometimes I fall on my face, but by the grace of God, I can get up and start again. I remember to learn along this journey as much as I can, because I will be a better teacher to my kids if I am learning along the way. The thing I have learned most recently is that no matter where you go, sometimes you make the best memories by just matter where you are.
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